Welcome To Livermore Baptist Church

Whatever it takes that Livermore might know Jesus 
              Bro. Bell              
  Worship Leader 
  Bruce Embry 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Youth Leader                                                                                                           
Drew and Rebecca Partlow
Weekly Events
9:20 Sunday School
10:30 Worship Service
4:30 pm Kids Worship Hour 
6:00 pm Evening Service 
6:00 pm Praise Group Practice 
Wednesday Night Adult Service 6:30pm
RA’s /GA’S/Youth Wednesday Night 6:00 pm
Visitation 6:30 pm 
Dec. 24th 
Candle Light Service
10:00 pm 
Men’s Breakfast
Jan. 4th 
8:00 am 
Men’s Bible Study 
Jan. 8th 
6:30 pm 


Podcast Sermons

October 11, 2020 Sunday Morning 
September 13, 2020 Sunday Morning 
August 30, 2020 Sunday Morning
August 23, 2020 Sunday Morning
August 9, 2020 Sunday Morning 
July 26, 2020 Sunday Morning 
July 12 Sunday Morning 
July 5, 2020 Sunday Night 


Worship The Lord In Giving


Prayer Request

Serving & Getting Involved

Sunday School
Classes for all ages begins at 9:20 am. 
 Sunday Worship Service 
  Sunday Morning  10:30 am
Kids Worship Hour 4:30 pm
 Sunday Night 6:00 pm 
Wednesday Services
 Supper at 6:00 pm 
Children/Youth Classes 6:30 pm
Adult Prayer/Bible Study 6:30 pm 
            Men’s Breakfast 
First Saturday of the Month
at 8:00 am
Young @ Heart 
       Third Tuesday of the Month 
                     6:00 pm 
Women’s Lunch 
Fourth Saturday of the Month 
12:00 pm  

We Are Social 

Church is not a building. We extend God’s love to our community and online through all our social media channels. 

Visit Livermore This Sunday




Livermore Baptist

611 Hill Street
PO Box 287
Livermore, KY 42352
Email: livermorebaptist@gmail.com
Phone: 270-278-2310